Friday, April 29, 2005

The Schooligan is TIRED.

Or tah-rd. As the case may be and depending on how close that mason jar of bootleg hooch is...

I have been posting blogs in the past on LiveJournal and most recently, Myspace.

So here I am a new convert to blogger dot com.
Hopefully the end of the restless nomadic blogging.

But just the beginning of my lust for dumplings.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. Why can't you just settle down in one blog? Why does it have to spread to various other realms of grammatical insanity? WHY???

The Schooligan said...

Because my fear of committment runs deeper and truer than most.
This could be the one though...

Anonymous said...

I'm going to stay faithful to My Space for now, but I'll come visit you here if you promise to visit me there.