Thursday, July 14, 2005

Mashed Potato Cookies

In a period of feverish delirium, my brother Morgan once made me take him to the supermarket so that we could get some Mashed Potato Cookies. He had been home sick and saw an ad on TV for these cookies, that were crispy on the outside and MASHED POTATO ON THE INSIDE!!

Umm. Ok.

I obligingly took him to the grocery store where we trolled the cookie aisle looking for something resembling mashed potato cookies. I had expressed my doubts about this, but the insistant feverish delirum of a cranky teenage boy was no match for me.

On a whim, I managed to steer him toward the frozen food section where we chanced upon these.

Morgan's "mashed potato cookies" were actually a tater tot type thing in the shape of a smile. Uhhh. Yeah.

I bought some of these for G and I the other day, and I have to say they are pretty darn good. Not quite as good as a FINISHED APARTMENT that I can actually LIVE IN, but good nonetheless.

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