Friday, September 02, 2005

I Ching

Yesterday I did this online I Ching reading, (Click on the title for the link. Oh, and a lot of times, you can do that. So stop asking where I get stuff from, just move your damn mouse around.) and it came out with my current situation is "Contentment at home."

Not coincidentally, PT and I are getting our/his dishwasher today. I made the mistake of saying OUR dishwasher, and he corrected me saying it was HIS birhday present from his dad. I said, well, then YOU can do all the dishes then. Heh heh.

Last night while we were sipping bourbon and beating the crap out of each other in Soul Calibur II I tried to bring up these feelings of contentment and happiness that I am experienceing. PT was all, That's great *Bam*, I'm glad to *punch* hear it. *Slam*. YEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I KICKED YOUR ASS! Needless to say, the scented candles and romantic glow from the PlayStation were impervious to the giddy feeling of video violence.

So, rather than subscribe to some kind of romantic notions about domestic harmony and the fact that I am for the first time in AGES genuinely happy about my relationship and my home life (because I tend to get struck down for romantic hubris), I am just going to revel in the pure materialistic glee of a new appliance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey wait I do 97.3% of the dishes already heheheheh.