Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Conversations with Customer Service

"Hello, this is blah blah at Mass Electric, how can i help you?"
"Hello, Uh, yeah, yesterday I spoke with you about turning my electricity on and you said you were going to turn it on today, well, I was just wondering when you were going to do that."
"Someone was already there this morning, but you didn't turn off your main circuit breaker, so they couldn't turn it back on."
"WHAT? What the hell is the main circuit breaker???"
"It's in your fuse box, you have to turn it off so we can work on the house."
"Well, noone told me that yesterday when I called, so what does this mean????"
"Well, if they can't get to it today, they will have to come back tomorrow."
"Ok, so because you guys didn't tell me about the circuit thingy, I have to spend another night wandering around my house with a headlamp?? How will I know if I am getting electricity today or tomorrow???"
"If you don't have anything by 7.30, assume that it will be turned on tomorrow."

(They did turn it on today, and our internet seems to be working)

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