Wednesday, October 19, 2005

So much for self pity

I had originally written this post all about how fat I am and how much I can't help but hate my body these days since I weigh, like 7 pounds more than the ideal weight for my height. (That's 7 pounds above the HIGHEST number in the range.) But somehow or other it got lost in cyberspace and completely erased. Hmmmm.

Taking that as I sign of something I am going to try and be more positive. And upbeat. Even in the face of unexplained weight gain and FREQUENT URINATION! Yes, that's right, the girl with the phenomenally small bladder is experiencing one of those lovely side effects of prescribed medication. WHY ME?, I ask. Already I can't make it through the night without getting up to pee and have totally worn a path from my desk to the ladies room at the Cock with my frequent trips every day. Out of all the annoying side effects, I have to get stuck with FREQUENT URINATION. And dry mouth. Which perhaps have something to do with one another, now that i Think about it...

In spite of the increased peeage, I have to say that I am totally a spokesperson for Ativan. In fact, when I take it, I almost always hold the bottle up to my smiling face and sigh dreamily, Ahhhhhh. Ativan.

Granted it doesn't have the retro appeal of valium, but it does stop me from saying and doing things that are totally stupid, like hurling coffee mugs out the window. And doesn't leave me quite so exhasuted all the time. Instead, I seem to have lost my taste for naps, which is slightly sad, but also v. productive. I mean, I can't remember the last time I came home from work, cleaned the stove, unloaded the dishwasher, hung up ALL my clothes IN THE CLOSET even, danced around my kitchen to Flamenco music while cheerfully swiffering the floor, before heading cheerily to the gym for Pilates.

Ahhhhh, Ativan!

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