Thursday, December 15, 2005

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things The Schooligan Can't Live Without (Seriously.)

1. Bourbon. ESPECIALLY Knob Creek, Maker's Mark, and Basil Hayden's.
2. The Internet (No explanation needed)
3. Netflix (Currently watching Season 3 of Degrassi Junior High)
4. My Edward Gorey Daily Planner (And yes, it needs to be E.G. I can't plan my life without him.)
5. THE RABBIT (Changed my life. For AWESOME!)
6. Diet Coke (And no, I don't care that it contains formaldehyde and will give me 8 kinds of cancer.)
7. General Gao's Chicken from Dragon Dynasty, (Hands down the best Chinese Take-out on the planet) and Dumplings, Shu Mai, Dammit, Chinese Take-Out in general.
8. Rock Climbing, although I have been an extremely slack gym rat as of late...
9. Fishnet Stockings (It is NEVER too cold for fishnets.)
10. Vintage Electric Percolators (I currently run a home for unwanted coffee pots)
11. SmartWool Socks (My socks have ZONES! Sometimes as many as 8!!)
12. Fleece. (Blankets, Vests, Pants, etc.)
13. Heels. (Preferably in the 4" range. Yes, I quite enjoy towering over most people. Resident SuperVillains excluded.)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


Running2Ks said...

LOL, I can honestly say I have never seen someone say they can't live without fishnets. You are a true original and you cracked me up!

My 13 are up :)

Madelaine said...

Love your list!!!!

My 13 are up!

Anonymous said...

Try as we might, we can't live without Pepsi. I'll take either: both Pepsi or Diet Pepsi. But my guys won't even try my Diet Pepsi. We'll go a few days without it but then.....

Thanks for stopping by -- and sharing. ((hugs)) to you and what you have been through as well. I do count my blessings, that if she had to die, that it was quick and painless for her; and in a selfish kind of way, that it was quick for me. It all happened so fast. I don't know what I would have done if I had had to watch her die, slowly. So, I do count HOW she died, a blessing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thursday 13!

Wool Socks have smartzones??? Oh my...I think I'm going to have to go to REI and buy some new woollies.

I can't live without Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. I also can't live without my fleece. Seriously. I pull my fleece stuff out in October and wear it until March, even April.

Jennifer said...

I have to have my Pepsi, too. However, you couldn't pay me enough to put on fishnets, and I would break my ankles if I wore heels! I'm tall enough at 6 feet, anyhow :)
My 13 are up! !:)