Saturday, August 05, 2006

Invasion of the Schooligan Snatchers

I never thought I would say this but... I think I'm sick of ice cream.

Morgan brought me home a new vanilla Frosty from Wendy's yesterday to help soothe my sore mouth. It was delicious. And about the only thing I could eat, what with the hurt and the not being able to open my mouth wider than required to insert the tip of a spoon. Later that night I went out to get some edibles that didn't require chewing, applesauce, pudding and Jello Pudding Pops.

I ended up rejecting the applesauce (bits of apple that required chewing) and the pudding (for some dumbass reason, I got rice pudding, forgetting that bits of rice would be magnetically drawn to the gaping holes in my mouth) and trying to make dinner of of pudding pops. Pudding pops that didn't quite fit in my mouth because I couldn't open it more than a millimeter.

Hopelessly unsatisfying.

Today, feeling a bit better, and with the left side of my face looking much more normal and pain that was bearable with 3 tylenol every 4 hours, I branched out and tried to eat things that were a little more solid. Like instant mashed potaoes. With melted cheese.

Currently I feel a bit starchy. But as far as I can tell, there's no food stuck in my tooth holes.


Anonymous said...

Well at least Bill Bryson knows how to make a party.

Just think how lucky you are that you don't have to deal with four bears that would make you shit yourself lifeless.


Alissa said...

I didn't discover this Vanilla Frosty until this past Sunday. A DAMN SHAME!!!!! It's fantabulous.