Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Now I Can Get Back to Worrying About What's Really Important

Namely, my hair.

Yes, the hair is back. After my last hair disaster, I decided to go see the experts: The Russians.

I see Sveta every couple of months for a bikini wax and figured anyone that expert and adept at ripping hair off my crotch must know where to get a decent haircut. Luckily, the spa is a full service facility for all types of hair, and I got an appointment with Mary for a cut and color.

I'm not going to mince words here: She gave me the best haircut EVER. Seriously, ever. It's ironic that someone who's first language is NOT Enlgish, and who learned to speak it mostly by watching Oprah (from what I can gather), was able to understand EXACTLY what I wanted done. The haircut has met and exceeded all of my expectations. It's totally perfect.

And also purple.


Anonymous said...

now just don't light any candles. they don't seem to like new, awesome haircuts.

Anonymous said...

Pictures pelase!!! We need pictures! YAY, I'm so proud you dyed your hair purple. I've wanted to do that for years but just have never had enough balls to do it.