Friday, February 23, 2007

Pigeon Hotel Foxtrot

The pigeon sitch at the Voodoo Lounge is officially out of control.

Last week I couldn't stand the cooing and the loud avian debates so I unleashed my secret weapon: Underfoot. She did a good job prowling around the attic and hopefully putting the fear of cat into them. Ninja, on the other hand, was completely worthless, and nervously refused to leave the house.

I think the final straw was when they invited a freaking squirrel over to their frat house and took turns loudly taunting me and shitting on things that may be of value. Oh, and they are totally into porn as well. I found a piece of a smutty magazine covered with poo and feathers.

Fucking pigeons.

1 comment:

ZaPaper said...

Hi Schooligan,
I really enjoy reading your blog. I dropped in at random due to a google search for some song lyrics. But I'll definitely be back.