Thursday, May 10, 2007

13 Reasons It's a Great Day to Be Alive

1. Cold Brewed Coffee- One of the chef's I used to work with in CO used to make it this way and I had totally forgotten about it until the NYT Magazine did a piece on it. Of course, the Times featured a $40 "cold brewer" and I just use a jug and a strainer (total cost: $2 from your local dollar store), but if you haven't tried coffee this way, you are missing something wonderful.

2. 80 degrees and sunny!

3. I fixed my dishwasher for once and for all! Fuck you, Sears! (It just needed a new hose.)

4. Replaced the light fixture above my sink so I can actually SEE to replace said dishwasher hose.

5. As always, $1 PBR drafts at the Hotel Vernon, home of the recent "Ukepalooza" Ukulele Festival. (Great entertainment for out of town guests!)

6. Edy's slow churned ice cream.

7. Underfoot's haircut. Every time I look at her I die a little inside. (from cute o.d.)

8. Kobe beef hamburgers.

9. Tempranillo. Spanish red is the new Zin! (And you can totally quote me on that)

10. 90210 Season 2 on DVD.

11. $217 airfares to Minnesota.

12. Someone left a whole bag of Dove dark chocolate candies on my dining room table.

13. I got rice cooking in the microwave...


Unknown said...

I've never had kobe beef.

I've only drooled over it when I see it on the Food Network.

Anonymous said...

but have you ever had kobe-beef-on-a-stick??

that's the question.

dawnae said...

Hey congrats on the dish washer hose!! NOthing more empowering than paying 3.00$ when the repair man would have charged you 175.00!!! Good for you!

King Devon the Magnificent said...

Yeah? YEAH??
Well I have a THREE DAY BEARD that I don't PLAN TO SHAVE!!!

Alissa said...

Hey, I thought you were changing the title of your blog to, "Schooligan Nation: If Nothing Else, Competent"?! (Yes, I do remember a few things from last night.) :-)