Tuesday, July 10, 2007

7 Deadly Something or Other

Today I was trying to remember the 7 Deadly Sins. I'm convinced that each passing day brings my brain closer to complete mush, so sometimes I test myself to see just how many things I have forgotten. Among the forgotten are Wrath and Sloth.

Wrath I can sort of understand, I tend more towards extreme annoyance. But Sloth? SLOTH? How could I, the person who was seriously freaked out each and every time (approx. 812) I watched Se7en, forget about SLOTH?

Dear Sloth, after all those nights when I couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking about you and all the times I had to leave ALL THE LIGHTS on in my house just so I wouldn't accidentally stumble upon your atrophied limbs while making my way to the bathroom, how could I ever forget you, Sloth? You had an integral role in the Hearts games I played when I should have been doing something more productive on my computer and figured prominently into many many games of "Would you rather?" I even took you on my wagon train in Oregon Trail II. (You died of dysentery. Sorry.)

I guess it's just fortunate that extreme forgetfulness is not a mortal sin. Or is it? I can't remember.

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