Monday, May 16, 2005

I am a terrible person, part II

I was chatting with this kid on myspace and told him this story about how I drove my brother to the bus station on Saturday and while we were waiting for his bus, went over to Coney Island so Devon (the brother) could get a hot dog. Outside the hot dog place was a sketchy looking, mumbling, bum with a shopping cart. I made reference to this and, let's call him "forrest", went on this tangent about how we should all be nice to bums and talk to them, cause they are people too, and I should have bought him a hot dog, and how he probably just wanted to talk to someone and it's really hard to get a job when you have no teeth and kinda smell bad...

He's right. I am a horrible person.
I also ate all of the cashews out of the can of mixed nuts that belongs to the department.

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