Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Short Lived Feeling of Accomplishment

After a lovely and coma-inducing dinner at Star of India, I went home and tried to watch The Big Lebowski. I have been told over and over that I NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE. Well, blame it on the Indian Food (the dinner buffet got about a B/B+) but I passed out on my sofa before 9.30. I only watched 20 mins of the movie before I succombed to the curry coma and fell dead asleep.

I had the foresight to set my alarm clock, but not to brush my teeth (I am vile and my teeth are probably rotting out of my skull as I type this) or shower. I just couldn't deal with washing two days worth of filth from my ever expanding body (I have gained 6 pounds since returning from Vegas. WTF???).

This morning, however, I got up promptly at 6 (ok, well, 6.20) and got into the shower. I NEVER SHOWER IN THE MORNING. It is always waaaaayyyyy too much effort. I prefer to shower before bed and go to sleep on wet hair and wake up looking like Medusa is my stylist. (In speaking of, I tried to get an appointment to get my haircut, but my stylist is booked until MAY 19!!! Damn. Since when did the glitterati start going to the same salon as me?)

After my shower, I made tea and dried my hair while listening to the morning news. GO ME!!!!!! Here I am at work, clean and neat and looking very much like I didn't just roll out of bed and go to work in whatever clothes I pulled off the floor.

In other news, I talked to Leah this morning and learned that Gramps is not doing so hot. I guess he has stopped eating and is just taking all his pain medicine. I gotta love the guy; Leaving in a haze of Oxycontin has got to be a pretty allright way to go.

Actually, it is not a good week for the family. Leah had emergency surgery on Monday to repair a RUPTURED DISC in her back. Poor kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That movie kinda sucked anyway...