Wednesday, June 15, 2005

When the SV is away...

The schooligan reverts back to her old habits, including, but not limited to:

1. Storing Swedish Fish in her car and eating them for breakfast
2. Consuming nearly an entire package of Trader Joe's frozen Shu Mai
3. Classifying Oreo cookies as "lunch"
4. Passing out face down on the latetst Mountain Gear Catalog at 10pm

In other news, I think I have reached a new personal low. I stole from Cock to wipe my ass. I ran out of toilet paper last night and because I am a lazy sloth who can't get to a store to buy a .59 cent roll of T.P. I took one from the 1st floor ladies room. (this does not even come CLOSE to the story that Dooce posted today)

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