Tuesday, July 12, 2005

From the Schooligan Files

Extra! Extra! Read all about it: The Schooligan's Narcissism has Reached a New High!
The New Issue of Action Geek is on the shelves and has a lovely article by Yours Truly. Please fuel the bonfire of my vanity and go buy a copy.

Gargamel and I painted late into the night last night and WE CAN TOTALLY SEE THE FINISH LINE! It's painted on the living room wall, actually. Good thing because I am moving in there, uh, tomorrow. I still need to call a plumber so that I can have a toilet that doesn't BURP when you flush it. The scatalogical implications of this are truly disgusting. In addition to Old Fecal erupting at regular intervals (ha!), I don't think the shower works. I mean, I am NO PLUMBER but the fact that the bathtub is two inches full of some kind of sludge seems to indicate a problem of some kind.

Ok, plumber can't come until NEXT WEEK. So, uh, yeah, if I show up and ask to use your bathroom, please be nice. Thank you.

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