Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Internet is a Volatile Place

Yesterday I did something I almost never do: I left a comment on one of the blogs I read regularly. I guess I just felt bad for this one woman who had commented and got the usual cyber-beating because she wasn't necessarily in total agreement with the post. Or something. I just felt like, Hey, the blogosphere is a lot like high school with rabid cliques ready to pounce with bared teeth on anyone who doesn't agree and I just felt like the new kid should be given a chance to voice her opinion.

Or maybe I just had PMS and decided to give PT a break from the acid spitting demon this month.

Well, of course I received a cyber-beat down from the Mommy Bloggers. I mean, I did cravenly hide behind a pseudnym so that, I DONT KNOW, they wouldn't come force feed me fertility drugs so that they could prove that once I have my own kids, I won't be so quick to judge. Or something.

So, they kindly pointed out that I was a bad person, dog poop, don't know anything because I don't have kids, am uninformed, etc. I even got a comment that said something like, WHEN YOU HAVE KIDS..., as though there were no other option. Like, the possibility of remaining blissfully childless until I die alone and my cats eat my face could not exist in the mommy-blogosphere, which, I guess is true. That isn't a possibility for them. It was eerily reminiscent of Florence King's sorority house mother: Having. A. Baby. Is. The. Most. Wonderful. Experience. On. Earth.

Of course, I fired back something along the lines of how reading these mommy blogs makes me ever more resolute in my decision to not have children of my own. OH. THE. HORROR. Thank goodness someone pointed out that if I hate kids so much, I shouldn't read the blogs. I hadn't thought of that. I mean, it makes sense. Except that if I read about the Holocaust does that mean I want to be in a concentration camp? No, it means, that sometimes learning about horrible things is a way of preventing them from happening again. Like, after the Titanic hit the iceberg and only 700 people were saved out of nearly 2000 passengers liners started putting in MORE LIFEBOATS so that a tragedy of that magnitude would never happen again.

But tragedy aside, I read a lot of blogs. Mommy-blogs, political blogs, personal accounts of people I know in real life. I don't read them for any other reason than entertainment value. Some of those Moms are pretty funny! But I don't think I'll be commenting again anytime soon. Not with Detective Adams on my trail.

Back to my regularly scheduled frivolity...

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