Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A Sinking Feeling

I have been listening to "A Night to Remember" on tape in the Panzer. Let me just say that I am riveted. I mean, I know that the boat is gonna sink. I know that over half the passengers are gonna drown, but I can't help feeling excited about what Mrs. John Jacob Aster is wearing under her lifebelt.

Interesting fact: The oldest living survivor of the Titanic lives in Worcester. Or as of April of this year she did.

I went to Pilates last night. We have incorporated a "body bar", a weighted bar (9 lbs), into our torture. The instructor, I forget her name, asked if I would come up closer to the front so that should wouldn't be in direct view of the older woman who wears such short shorts that you can see right up her... you know. I was flattered. Even though I forget to breathe and sometimes my belly button is NOT anchored to the floor, she still would rather look at me than an elder woman's cooter! Yes!

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