Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Trying to think about other things than the Hurricane.

But, can't help but include a letter from New Orleans to the President. (See above)

September Photos 002

Last Friday, my totally amazingly talented friend Mike Hansen invited a bunch of us over for a BBQ. He is house sitting at this MANSION in Cambridge that belongs to one of his professors at Haaaaahhhhhhvaaaahhhhhhd, and what else does one do when presented with such and opportunity? Exactly.

So, not only did he cook Burgers, Veggie Burgers, Sausages and other assorted meat and non-meat sundries, but he MADE PIE. Like, a lot of pie. (see above) Not only were they the most gorgeous baked goods I have ever laid eyes on, but they were melt-in-my-mouth delicious. There was peach pie and apple pie, and blueberry pie. Gargamel told me that he may be hiring Mike as my replacement. I can't blame him, it was pretty amazing pie.

The party itself was likewise enjoyable. Mike invited the whole climbing crew and assorted others. It turned out to be a very adult affair. Which struck many of us as sort of weird. So we sat outside and talked about fisting.

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