Thursday, November 03, 2005

Alternative Medicine

I have been on an ALL STEAM AHEAD effort to take better care of myself/fix whatever is wrong with me. Ok, so I broke up with my therapist, but she wasn't helping me. But I am thinking that there are OTHER things out there that CAN help me. So, I found a medical doctor to give me a once over. It's sort of difficult to find a doctor, I had to call all these insurance approved Doctor Referral People and they would give me a bunch of names, and basically I pick one at random and try to get an appointment. For whatever reason Dr. Tatiana something or other appealed to me. So I have an appointment with her in like, 2 weeks. It would be kind of cool to find something that is physically wrong with me that we can, like, cure.

I also set up an appointment with an acupuncturist for next week. Now, this I am really excited about. I have heard so many wonderful things about acupuncture and how it can help on so many levels. Plus, I kind of like needles... but that is neither here nor there. The woman I am seeing sounds lovely and understanding and totally got me when I said that I was losing faith in "western medicine". So, here's to getting needled! It certainly can't make me feel any WORSE. You know, worse than feeling like I am mere seconds away from a panic of acid spitting proportions...

I also bought myself a cashmere sweater. It was on clearance and quite a bargain. I feel like I deserve cashmere for all the shit I put up with from the Robot. It's just too bad the Robot doesn't have a Visa Card. Anyway, the sweater came with a little ring attached to it. You know, cause your cashmere should be so fine that it can slip through your wedding ring. The ring is totally cool because Lord knows I am never going to get married and be able to slip my cashmere sweater through my ring. It's like One Girl Who is the cashmere for the single girl! Or Cashmere for the old maid who is going to die alone and have her face eaten off by her cats. Cashmere for all the social outcasts who can't snag a man and a preacher!

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