Monday, November 07, 2005

Can't get enough...

Cypress Hill. (The BAND, not the stuff they rap about)

Ativan-I am a walking bundle of nerves. I'm not even convinced that this shit works, but I am willing to try anything that allegedly helps.

Lemony Snicket. I am halfway through book 12, The Penultimate Peril and it's just awesome.

Of my black velvet jacket. It's this year's black turtleneck sweater.

Retro recipes. Am going to make tuna noodle casserole this week.

Del McCoury. And reducing myself to tears by putting '52 Vincent Black Lightening and Let an Old Racehorse Run on INFINITE REPEAT.

1 comment:

elaine said... is awesome-ness. they've got the tapes from most of the live recordings of the grateful dead there -- scary I know but I love it.