Thursday, November 10, 2005

Day 3 of Feeling Like a Normal Person: RambleFest 2005

Am hoping somewhat desperately that this is not just the manic phase before the storm, but am certainly liking the boundless energy. No longer do I have to make choices like, Should I go to Pilates? Or should I paint my kitchen? I CAN DO BOTH! Pilates was sort of awful. I mean good. Good in an awful ab-tearing way. Rarely do I go to class on both Monday and Wednesday, but both times I have sort of regretted it half way through. Usually at the point where I my muscles start audibly screaming at me to STOP IT. But at the same time, I get to feel all healthy and kick ass. And I swear, I walk taller after class. Though it is probably just due to the fact that I have stretched out my spine in a ridiculous manner. Tonight, however, I am taking a break from the gym and focusing solely on painting the kitchen. I got almost everything primed last night between 9 and 11.30, and tonight I will finish that and start on what I hope is not The Biggest Decorating Disaster Since Some AssHat Put Up Fake Wood Panels on the Walls. Look for incriminating photo evidence...

Sadly,Barbara, Main South's favorite crazy person died this week. Some of you may remember her hanging out at Annie's asking for a cigarette, smelling like pee and wearing a Russian Army jacket, one snow boot and a slipper. She's also the one that disrupted my mother's funeral by smoking in church, criticizing the food at the reception (I almost typed "afterparty". Isn't that HORRIBLE?), and then defecating in the street. Still, I must say I am a bit sad. I feel like a part of that neighborhood, that community is dead as well. My brother consoled me by saying, Don't worry, she's probably asking Mom for a cigarette up in heaven.

My brother also tried to jump start my life by telling me that I should go to grad school. Or write a book. I asked him what I should write about and he said, You know, a memoir on being crazy. Those sell REALLY WELL, you know an inspiration to suicidal teenage girls and all that. You would probably end up on OPRAH. Really, I said, how inspirational is the message that you should just go ahead and off yourself because IT AINT GETTING ANY BETTER?? Yes, I am a cynical bitch. Even after the acupuncture.

Finally, today is an especially good day and worth all the pain and suffering of 2 nights of Pilates because my H&M pants that made me look kind of thick and chunky in the leg area NOW REQUIRE A BELT. And I look less like a can of soup.

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