Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sometimes I really hate it when I'm right

And I also hate it when life reminds me that, yes, it IS grossly unfair.

Lsat night, I decided to just get on with the painting. However, after applying a FOURTH coat of horrid red paint to the same tiny area of the kitchen, I realized that not only did I hate the color, but that it was never going to look good and I just couldn't see how I was ever going to finish at the rate I was going and having to apply a billion coats to every area.

So I had a wee cry on the floor outside the bathroom and realized that the Agony and the Ecstasy was SO RIGHT ON. Then I collected myself, put the red death on hold and decided to prime the pantry while trying to decided what the hell I was going to do.

I had gotten the window done in good time when Underfoot decided that she Needed to sit on the windowsil. In wet paint. I screamed and spent the next ten minutes chasing her through the house and begging her to STOP GETTING WHITE KITTY FOOTPRINTS ON EVERYTHING. I Finally cornered the terrified, and painted, cat in the bathroom, shut the door and called for reinforcements.

My sister came up and helped me draw a warm bath for the now black and white painted kitty. In her defense, I must say the Underfoot was an absolute angel about the whole bath thing. No scratching, struggling, biting, and just a few pitiful mews of resignation.


Of course, the paint would NOT COME OUT of her fur, even with expensive Bed Head Shampoo (hey, only the best for my kitty) and lots of scrubbing. I didn's want her to be licking at the dried paint on her paws and get sick. I'm no vet, but am surmising that primer isn't really good for cats. I couldn't wash it out, so I was left with but one option: the clippers.

I have clipped lots of animals, from boyfriends to million dollar show horses, but I was really surprised that once again, she sat quietly in my lap while I shaved paint off her feet. I can't quite decide if she is THE BEST CAT ever, or just never realized that most cats don't put up with this type of shit. At any rate, I was able to CUT most of the paint off, except for a wee bit by her ear, but unless she is even more unbelievable than I thought, I doubt she can lick that.

I am also thinking that my new decorating scheme just might have to include little white cat prints.

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