Saturday, November 19, 2005

I really should be painting

Like, REALLY. My kitchen has not progressed one iota since I started the damn project. I seem to have lost my ambition. Or more likely, the mania wore off. And/or there are just so many more interesting things to do, like instant messaging in poorly translated German, and cleaning the filter on the vacuum cleaner. And definitely going to Elaine's FABULOUS dinner party last night and getting drunk and marvelling at the fact that her boyfriend Frank looks like he just walked in after leaving Pleasantville. No, really, it was awesome, he actually looked like he was in black and white. SO COOL. But Elaine, Elaine, oh lord, she made Martha Stweart look like a hack. DAMN. She wins the title of Domestic Goddess.

And I win the award for "Most waste of bandwidth by someone who needs to get her ass to painting."

**last night I had a beautiful dream that all the bristles fell out of my paintbrush so I didn't have to paint anymore. EVER.

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