Friday, November 04, 2005

Working for Cock has some serious consequences

Some obvious, and some not so obvious.

(Sidenote: I can't stop wearing this blue beaded bracelet that I got for like 2 bucks this summer. It sort of makes me look like Madonna during the Material Girl Phase, which is infinitely less annoying than this Kabbalah Phase.)

Last night I met Sands, Forrest, Mike "I didn't really rob those banks" Hansen, and Boulder for some climbing at Metro Rock. As I was working a sick V0 boulder problem (V0, is like, remedial bouldering. I still suck, but I am getting better. I am pretty sure I am gonna break into V1 really soon), I felt a snappy pain appear in my left forearm. MAN DID IT HURT. Yow! And then my fingers went numb. I took a break, rubbed it, stretched and tried to keep bouldering. Except I couldn't seem to hold on to anything, which makes things like climbing exceedingly difficult. I half expected to see my tendon pop and snap up my arm like a window shade.

I took a break to rub my arm, and Sands said, Too much blogging. You probably have repetitive stress issues. I replied, Yeah, from the near constant Corporate Circle Jerk at the Cock.

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