Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Humbled by Health Insurance

Oh yes, I thought I was SO GREAT for having INSURANCE and being able to go to the doctor ANY TIME I WANT. Well, I sure got what was coming to me: ORTHOTICS!

I went to see a podiatrist yesterday as reccommended by my primary care doctor. She even went ahead and MADE the appointment for me, so all I had to do was show up! How great! See, i have this bump on the top of my left foot. It hurts sometimes when I wear certain shoes, but not too much. I think it has been there for more than a year anyway, without causing me much stress. But you know, since I was at the doctor anyway and she asked if I had anything else that concerned me I figured I would mention it. The doctor poked at it and confessed that she didn't know and sent me to a specialist.

At the office of all things podiatry related, (which makes me feel like a COMPLETE DORK, because cool people don't have things wrong with their feet, right?), the specialist poked at it and said he thought it was a bone spur and sent me for X-Rays. Turns out it isn't an extra growth of bone, it is my ACTUAL FOOT BONE. Apparently, because I walk like a fool, (and turn my feet outwards in a completely stupid manner), I have caused a BONE IN MY FOOT TO CHANGE POSITION AND PROTRUDE IN AN ABNORMAL WAY.

Awesome. Prognosis: I will most likely need surgery at some point to correct it where they will SHAVE OFF PART OF THE BONE and make my foot somewhat normal, I will almost certainly have arthritis, and I need to wear arch supports for, um, EVER. I explained to the doctor that this really wasn't possible because they wouldn't fit with some of my shoes. He told me to wear them "whenever possible", and that they cost $50 for the "off the rack" version and about $400 for the "haute couture" of orthotics. ALL FOR A STUPID BUMP ON MY FOOT.

That'll learn me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillarious! Your blog is starting to be the makings of a sitcom I swear. Makes me feel like I am not the only one finding the world a little unsettling and unfitting. Good luck with those feet, YIKES!
