Friday, December 09, 2005

Quick! Before I have to barf again!

It snowed quite a bit today.
I stayed home from work because... I think I have the flu.
I feel a level of misery that is unparalelled, although that could have been because I watched Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. Johnny Depp really irritated me. Or maybe that is the fever talking.

This morning, it was snowing too heavily to drive, so G and I walked to the grocery store. It is only 1/2 mile each way, in a completely STRAIGHT LINE from our house. He told me to stay inside and rest, but I have read Little House on The Prairie one too many times, and thought a walk in the snow to get "supplies" from "town" would make me feel better.

It didn't.
NEither did dry heaving in a public bathroom.

p.s. The "go to hell room" is the back room of the house with the caved in ceiling (that needs to be fixed like every other fucking thing in this place) where we put everything that we don't know what to do with. We keep the door closed and pretend it doesn't exist.

1 comment:

Running2Ks said...

Oh man, feel better soon. That is one nasty bug to have!