Thursday, February 23, 2006

Thursday 13

Thirteen Things I Wish Existed

1. Mars Bars- The Snickers almond is close... but not quite the same.
2. Baja Picante Doritos- Simpley the best flavor EVER. It went away somewhere around 2002... and life has never been the same.
3. Destiny's Child- Although every 15 minutes they get back together for their "Final Tour Ever".
4. Arthur Treacher's- OK, I know they exist in other places, but not near me. I have very fond memories of eating their corn dogs as a wee child.
5. iPod Mini- Again, yes, I realize you can get one from eBay or similar, but Apple did stop making them and released the Nano.
6. 8 Hole Doc Marten Boots in Bottle Green- My very first pair of Docs, purchased when I was 15. They were discontinued soon after. WHY? WHY? And why have they made their shoes progressively uglier over time?
7. My old Commodore 64- I really miss all the crap, yet awesome, games I used to play: Temple of Apshai, M.U.L.E., Robot Rascals, and the worst horse show game EVER. *Sigh*
8. Stright Leg Jeans- If anyone can find them PLEASE let me know. Not tapered, just straight. My last pair was purchased at Old Navy in 2001. I still have them, but am unable to find any jeans that are not "Boot Cut" or *shudder* "Flare" (which make my ginormous thighs look even bigger than they already are). I respect the Boot Cut, but need variety.
9. Dinosaurs- Duh.
10. Cinnamon Bagels without Raisins- I hate raisins. HATE THEM. I have been known to pick each one out of a bagel before eating it.
11. Mitch Hedberg and Wesley Willis- 2 of the funniest people EVER. Why did they have to die? Especially when people like this and this are still around being decidedly not funny.
12. Laudanaum- Although technically still available by prescription, isn't that common anymore. Nor is it available in your local drug store and "cheaper than a bottle of gin". Sigh. Victorian women had all the fun.
13. Skeleton Pirates- See previous entry on Pirates of the Carribean

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


Unknown said...

I eat Mars bars almost every week. I find them at Wal-Mart.

Straight leg jeans...the ONLY place I been able to find them lately is K-Mart and Wal-Mart...I'm not a brand name person. Decent jeans are hard to come by these days.

Happy Thursday!!!

Mine are up!


Froggie said...

Straight leg jeans... very difficult to find. I either wear boys jeans or a few places make a boys cut. I completely hate flared jeans...

Got mt TT up!

Anonymous said...

They took Mars bars off the market? It's been a while since I've seen one on the shelves, but I never made the connection.

And if you find those straight leg jeans, let me know!

My 13 are up.

Anonymous said...

Great list....funny too

Anonymous said...

The jeans thing, have you checked out Lands End? I think they have the leg you're looking for. I have to shop with them because they are the only ones who will hem my jeans long enough (I'm pretty tall). Good luck!

My TT is up.

Anonymous said...

I used to eat Mars bars.

Great list.

I'm Up!

Kelly said...

YES! .... to cinnamon bagel with no raisins..... I hate those vile things too!

Happy Thursday!
Mine are up.
Diary of the Nello

Anonymous said...

Love your list! And I hate raisins too! I dont want them on my fruit salad, bread or anywhere else. :)

Happy weekend :)