Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How to effectively piss off the Schooligan in one hour or less...

TSV ( "Turquoise Sweater Vest" aka the most annoying, petty, ridiculous man on the PLANET) walks by my desk this morning and says, "What's up with the refrigerator door?" (note: the small fridge in our area is across from where I sit, by the printer) I say, "I give up? What's with it?" Him, "The door is really sticking. I'm not sure I'll be able to get my sandwich out." Me, *cold stare* followed by eye roll as he walks away.

Dude, what the fuck? Do I look like the fucking Maytag repair man? What exactly would you like me to do about this? Where in my job description does it say "refrigerator repair and maintenance"? I should mention to our boss that you CLEARLY do not have enough to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds more like a lame attempt to make conversation with a girl who is clearly out of his league than a hint that you should do something about it..... Unless he was blaming you for the stickiness. Uh-oh, maybe he saw you with the bottle of Elmer's gluing it shut? DAMN, your cover's blown. Get out of there now!

You know, if he's going to advertise that he is leaving his food unguarded, in a public place, where everyone can have access to it, maybe he shouldn't walk around complaining about every little thing. Bad things could happen.........