Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thursday 13

13 People from the Past that I Would Like to Have Over For Dinner

1. Mark Twain - He has always been at the top of my list of people I wish I could hang out with. I mean, he's entertaining, witty, and likes to drink whiskey and smoke. Perfect! Also, he lived next dooor to Harriet Beecher Stowe and I bet she was really annoying. MT would have some good dirt.
2. Edgar Allen Poe - Yes, he did have a bit of a drinking problem, but would probably bring some opiates as a hostess gift. Then we could go to a goth club after supper.
3. Rasputin- His name means "debauched" in Russian, so obviously he knows how to have a good time. It be nice, however, if he cleaned himself up a bit before dinner. And we could poison the food and he wouldn't even care.
4. Ben Franklin- Seems like he and Twain would get on well. He'd probably provide some entertaining conversation and I could finally bitch to him about what a BAD IDEA daylight savings is.
5. Laura Ingalls Wilder - You know to get the REAL story of what happened out on the prairie. I have a sneaking suspicion, however, that she's kind of dull and maybe a bit of a priss.
6. F. Scott Fitzgerald - (What is it with me inviting over alcoholics? Must remember to put away breakables.) I could do his whole James Joyce "OMG I am so glad to meet you that I could just weep!" bit. Then I could get him to sign all my books while I embarass myself by gushing over him.
7. Johnny Cash - Now, I think this is where I would really embarass myself. I have always been a bit in love with Johnny Cash and I can't see myself not babbling nonsensically about how much I love his music and how it just speaks to me and, wow, that black suit sure is flattering and, oh, would you like another Percoset? Oh shit, I'm sorry, you're in recovery. God, I'm SUCH an asshole...
8. Charles II of Spain - OK, yes, I have a weird fascination with the Habsburgs and their jaw. Apparently Charles was completely batty and weird. And liked to shoot things.
9. Virginia Reed - One of the survivors of the Donner Party debacle. Not sure if it's best to discuss over dinner, but I would like to find out what really happened.
10. Mitch Hedberg - Only the funniest comedian EVER. God, I miss him.
11. Jasper Newton Daniel - aka "Jack" His biography, "Blood and Whiskey" was v. interesting. I would love to drink learn about the history of American whiskey with him.
12. George Mallory- I am dying to know whether he actually got to the top of Everest before Hilary.
13. Khufu - Because we are ALL dying to know how the damn pyramids were built.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


Froggie said...

Interesting list full of interesting people. I have to admit that Mark Twain and Edgar Allen Poe would be my favourites to meet for dinner. :)

Meira{FB} said...

Wow! That's an intriqueing list! Can I come to dinner too?

Just Me said...

I did a dinner party list too. We should combine guests :)

Have a great TT
Elle x

Lisa said...

Rasputin is an interesting choice. When I was younger I was obsessed with Nicholas and Alexandra and he figured prominently in their downfall, I do believe!

Nifty list! Thanks for taking time to visit mine.