Thursday, June 22, 2006

Back to doing what I do best

Getting irritated with the world at large!

Today at work there were moments where I felt dangerously close to losing my shit.

Annoying highlights include:

1. Bitching about not having a certain candy in the (free) communal candy jar (which is on my desk and which I inherited form the person who used to work here and really should just chuck out the window, except they don't open... CRAP!) Now, the way I see it, there are 2 possible solutions here neither of which include complaining to me: a) Don't eat any. or b) GET YOUR OWN FREAKING CANDY becasue then you can get WHATEVER YOU WANT.

2. Repeatedly getting badgered to "follow up" with someone re: an annoying powerpoint presentation (is there any other kind?) when I have already emailed AND left voice mail to the point of stalking. What the fuck do you want me to do? Hunt him down and hold him at gunpoint? Bounty hunters make loads more money than I do, Buddy. FYI.

3. Having the outrageously socially inept newish guy walk by me as I was making a weird face and have him say, "Don't bite your cheek!" Huh? Is this a warning or an order? In neither case is it appropriate or sense-making.

4. Crazy old Italian man (who is definitely going senile, like, as I type this) stands by my desk holding a reference list and mumbles inchoerently in unfinished sentences, but insisting that I do... something... reference... here it is... Jessica. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT??? TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT OTHERWISE I CAN'T HELP YOU. I just shrugged and looked hopeless and he eventually went away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Working with stupid people is trying, but makes for excellent ranting posts.