Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Pyramid Arms

In an effort to combat my autumn blues, I decided on a course in public humiliation: belly dancing.

The YMCA just started offering a class and I thought, What the hell?
So I went.

Sometimes you don't realize just how uncoordinated you really are until you are forced to thrust your hips in a room of total strangers. I mean, I never thought I was awesome at dancing, but I never realized just how ridiculous I can make myself look. I quickly learned, however, while thrusting and shimmying and attempting to isolate parts of my body that didn't want to be isolated. The good part is that it's the ghetto Y where a large number of members are old, or totally insane and equally out of step.

I think the best part of the class had to be when we lined up against the wall, the GLASS wall that looks out into the cardio area, smooshed our butts on it and attempted to tuck our pelvis underneath us. Yeah.

Still, it was a good workout, I sweated for an hour and woke up with my hips more sore than I ever imagined they could be. And any workout where I can't move the next day has to be good, right?

Excuse me, I must go practice my Snake Arms.

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