Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday 13

13 Things I Say Too Often (probably)
1. Oh, for fuck's sake. (thanks Slev.)
2. Seriously.
3. WTF? (I actually say the letters instead of the actual phrase that the letters represent)
4. Just stop. No, really: Just. Stop.
5. My life is a series of illegal left turns.
6. Whoa.
7. I LOVE barbeque.
8. Whatever, I'm a dork.
9. Engineers can't write.
10. There's not enough bourbon in my bourbon.
11. Well, this really sucks.
12. It's fine.
13. No, really, it's fine.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


Anonymous said...

Heh. I'm gonna take #1 for my own use, hope that's okay. I already overuse #2. And #7 is just, well, can't help that.

Funny list! Happy TT!

BlondeBrony said...

I know that my list would include number 1.

Great list.
Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I love #5 :)