Sunday, October 01, 2006

I don't care how loudly you play the Imperial March, Darth Vader isn't coming

After sleeping a total of about 45 minutes this past week, I passed out last night for a solid 9 or so hours. I woke up to rain. Inside my bedroom. I had left my window open. (And yet, I was confused as to why I was so cold last night...)

I'm not exactly what one would call "high falutin'" so I will just go ahead and say that "Jackass 2" was one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Easily the best 7 bucks I've ever spent. (Sidenote: I got "carded" by the ticket taker, yet noone seemed to object to my LITTLE SISTER seeing an R-rated movie.) I can't remember when I've laughed so hard. (Actually, I do. It was Friday when I came across this.) I don't know if I've ever seen anything as brilliant as "Firehose Rodeo" or "Penny Farthing BMX."

There are times when I find myself faced with an irresistable bargain, and despite knowing that, for example, I don't need a 5th pair of climbing shoes, I just can't pass up a pair of Anasazi's for $40. Reason #437 that the Schooligan is only human.

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