Thursday, November 09, 2006

Fabulous Life = Lack of Blogging

If by fabulous we mean working overtime (including weekends!), enjoying the fruits of a liquor store liquidation (Currently drinking Oro, a lovely Spanish red. Soft, velvety with a surprisingly smooth finish.) trying to convince my computer to stop being an asshole and connect to the internet already, and listening to pigeons having loud pigeon conversations in the eaves of my house every morning beginning at 4.30 am.

And yoga. I've been doing the yoga thing and really enjoying it (the yoga lady is SO CUTE. And nice! And cute!) Except for the fact that I feel like every time I go, I suck more than the time before. Like this week when I nearly fell over trying to do the balancing Half Moon. My consolation was that the girl next to me fell over too. We exchanged sympathetic glances while picking ourselves off the floor. The girl on the other side of me came within inches of kicking me in the face. Oh, and the guy behind me spent the whole class either talking to himself or sitting on the abandoned nautilus machines lined up against the wall. I think part of my problem was that while I was bending over I kept fixating on all the cat hair stuck to my pants. Black pants + cats = useless battle to look put together.

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