Sunday, October 29, 2006

The True Meaning of Awesome

Today my dad, my sister and I took the annual trip to the farm to buy Halloween pumpkins and marvel at how cute the llamas are. There was a week or so old baby llama that was all fuzzy and big eared. We picked out our pumpkins, ran through the corn maze, bought some gigantic carrots and headed home.

On the way back we drove past a liquor store that was going out of business. A hand printed sign, obviously written by the hand of God, read "Today Only! All Wine $2.0o!" I don't know that I have ever read such beautiful words and I immediately cut the wheel hard to the right and careened into the parking lot.

The store was mostly empty, but there were still shelves and shelves of $2 wine. I grabbed a cart after momentarily falling to my knees in tearful gratitude. Now usually, $2 wine is, well Boone's Farm or best served in a paper bag. But this was a gold mine of pleasant drinking. I immediately grabbed 3 bottles of Rancho Zabaco Sauvignon Blanc, which is a wine I had just reccommended to someone the other day. Everything else was pretty much a blur of ecstatic disbelief and tears of joy. There was mostly white wine left, but I did get a couple bottles of red, a bordeaux, and some italian wine that I don't know anything about, but figured I could risk the TWO DOLLARS. I got some sparkling wine, a bottle of Dubonnet, and some fume blanc, and, and, and...

I spent a whopping $32 and came out with 17 bottles (!!!) of wine. (They gave me one free. A sommelier's dozen?) I think it's fair to say that this was one of the best bargain finds of the century.

Between this and the PBR finals this week, I am one happy girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Swanktastically loaded for months of wine at the VL.