Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I was warned about Brockton

I had a college fair in Brockton today. I thought it was Braintree for a while. Mostly because I think Braintree might actually be the best name for a town. I mean, come on! Brain Tree!

Unfortunately, it was not. It was Brockton, which Scott described to me as "kind of awful". It kind of was. At least the college fair.

Did you know that Brockton high school has around 4000 kids? And it's the 2nd largest high school east of the Mississippi? True fact! At least according to the chick from Curry College who was at the table next to me.

So, the only kids who talked to me besides the ones who thought I was "Clark Atlanta"? One was blind (admittedly not her fault and I am sure she's an amazing student) and the other hadn't taken her SATs yet. Sigh.

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