Thursday, January 31, 2008

A New Old Look At Marriage

On a recent trip to the Salvation Army, I stumbled upon what may, in fact, be the most amazing book ever written. The Modern Home Medical Adviser c. 1942 (known hereafter as "The Book"), offers a very interesting chapter (Ch. 5 "Sex Hygiene") on the subject of marriage and marital relations. After reading such gems as,
"Some girls have been lead to believe that they are under obligations to repay in ways that are destructive to morals and character. So long as the girl was entertaining in her own home, and furnishing lemonade or home-made fudge, she might bid her suitor begone when he made improper proposals;"

"The error that young people are so likely to make is to believe that parties, shows, elegant furniture and sport roadsters can bring more happiness than children."

And, finally:
"Great improvement in underwear has been made in recent years. Undergarments should be changed as often as one's finances will permit and should of course never be worn after they are definitely soiled."

I am totally on board. I mean, sure, I work, but only until "the time when...[I] shall be promoted to the much more important work of real home-making." I can't imagine anything better than not having to read any more college applications. And I'll have a clean house to boot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it better then the, Art of fisting?