Friday, September 09, 2005

Another vapid post about my hair.

With PT gone all week on the LOVE CRUISE (his mom got married. on a boat. and then they went to Cozumel. Or something.) I have been kind of restless and antsy. Despite my best efforts, I was barely able to generate enough dishes to use the dishwasher, which is STILL AMAZING however.

So I did what any other red blooded American Female does in these types of situations: I cut my hair.

I have finally, after years of bad haircuts and casual relationships, settled down with one stylist. She's just great. Last night, I went in and said, I'm bored with my hair, can you fix it? And SHE DID. She gave me the exact haircut that I had imagined in my mind WITHOUT ME HAVING TO SAY ANYTHING. This is what great relationships are made of.

I spent the rest of the night puttering around the Voodoo Lounge. I cleaned up, did the dishes (in the dishwasher!), put some books away and coerced my brother into hanging up my Buddhist Prayer Flags. I cranked up the fans, snuggled onto the couch, and imagined I was at Base Camp.

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