Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I used to complain that I had no shoes...

Until I started seeing a podiatrist.

Ok, so bump on my foot is not getting any better with off the rack orthotics. In fact, I told the foot guy today that they really weren't working out because they only fit in like THREE pairs of shoes. He looked at me like, What's the problem here? I petchulantly explained that I couldn't wear sneakers or snow boots ALL THE TIME. DUH.

So, before we decide to cut open my foot and remove the offending bone, Dr. Genius came up with THIS idea:


Yes, that's right. HE TAPED MY FOOT.

But really, is this the only solution? I mean, I can't have tape on my foot FOREVER, can I? At some point I am going to want to wash my foot.

Then I asked, How about if I go see a chiropractor?
Do you think it will help?


In the meantime, just call me TapeFoot.

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