Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Starting 2006

With insomnia!

I had low expectations for New Year's Eve. Really low. Even so, it ended up being the worst night EVER. Besides the pizza, which was delicious. First of all, Orlando Bloom, YOU SUCK. You are a terrible actor. AND GET RID OF THE SKANKY LOOKING MOUSTACHE. My brother, PT and I had a bunch of movies to watch, Kingdom of Heaven being one of them. Spare yourselves the boredom. And the suffering through bizarre slow and fast motion battle scenes.

I also watched War of the Worlds. Ok, so I REALLY want to like Tom Cruise the way I did when I was like 14 and before I knew how crazy he was and how much of a cult Scientology is. But I just can't. I can only look at him and think, This man is crazy. And also, This Movie Sucks. I mean, the Wells concept was scary enough, no? I mean aliens landing on earth and wasting major cities? Terrifying. So I thought Spielberg's aliens were overkill. But what the hell do I know? Oh and I just need to say that Dakota Fanning NEEDS TO SHUT THE HELL UP. I mean, she spends approximately 80% of the movie SCREAMING.

Anyway, PT fell asleep during KOH, but I stayed awake through that, Dawn of the Dead (the original), National Velvet and I was about to put in March of the Penguins, but then the cats started mewing for their breakfast right on schedule at 6.30 am. The best part was that not only could I NOT FALL ASLEEP, but every time I would start to think about dozing off, my heart would start racing and I would jerk up in a state of utter panic. WTF? Not an auspicious start to 2006.

On Sunday, I went to see Walk the Line. (Yes, I have done nothing except freak out and watch movies this past week. Oh, and not take down the Christmas tree or clean the house.) I thought I was in love with Johnny Cash before, but now I am completely and totally enamoured. I can't get over how good this film was. Which is awesome because it gives me something to contemplate at 4 am when I can't sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really liked that movie too. It made me like Joaquim Pheonix instead of hating him for killing Maximus...