Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I Yin When I Should Be Yanging

I had my acupuncture session today. It was good...mostly. I mean there was the part where someone brought their toddler (I think he was like a year old or something. Is that considered a toddler?) into the office and he apparently needed to run around, shriek and bang on the walls in such a way that I felt like yelling, "Hey! Would ya keep it down? Some of us are trying to realign our Qi!"

I had mentioned to acu* lady that I haven't been sleeping well. Make that, I haven't had a night where I did not wake up and pace the house restlessly and/or watch old episodes (I guess they are all old, really, since I don't think they are making new ones...) of Jeeves and Wooster until about 5.30, when I then doze off for a fitful one hour of sleep, SINCE FRIDAY. Yes, that would be four days of getting around 3 or 4 hours of sleep each night. Strangely (or perhaps not), this pattern manifested itself on Saturday when I started a new type of drug. One that apparently keeps me awake and that I can't take a sleeping pill with because it will cause a coma or a seizure or a lethal skin rash or something.

Still, I left the session with that lovely, bright, floaty feeling of well being. Until I bonked my head while rummaging through my trunk. Total buzz kill.

* Reminds me of a Mitch Hedberg (RIP) joke, "I went to go see a doctor, but all he did was drink blood from my neck. Don't go see Dr. Acula."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're really starting to convince me of acupuncture...I think I'm going to start seriously looking into it.