Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Take that, Depakote!

After 2 weeks on being on a drug that has the unfortunate side effect of weight gain, I am actually 5 pounds lighter! I am sure a lot of it has to do with the other side effect, "Makes food and drink taste like ass". No, seriously, I have this sort of sweetish, lingering, unpleasant taste in my mouth. It's like you wake up in the middle of the night after eating a bag of Swedish Fish and not brushing your teeth. Minus the bits of red gummy shit between your teeth. Except that it doesn't go away. Ever. It even disrupted my consumption of Madfish Shiraz, which is one of my favorites. (The Chardonnay is one of the best I have ever had. Period.) It's really not in anyone's best interest to come between the Schooligan and her alcohol.

I went to the chiropractor (I know, I know, ANOTHER medical story. What the fuck is it going to be like when I am 80?) today to get my pelvis aligned. With a $20 co-pay it was far less painful than the one my car got the other week. The best part was when she was looking at the X-rays on the lighted X-ray viewer thing and she put up the one of my pelvis and there, in all it's glory, was a perfect outline of my cooter. It was like x-ray camel toe vision. As if I didn't feel dumb enough in my striped tent sized gown that refused to stay closed and weird velcro back adjustment shoes. (I have no idea what the fuck that was all about.)

After careful examination, the chiropractor determined that my spine and hips and neck and whatever else are all torqued slightly to the right. But other than that, I am totally healthy.

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