Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day...Time to DIE!!!

I like scary movies even though I usually get so scared I have to sleep with the light on and have the cats check to make sure there are no psycopaths in the closet. One of my favorites is Saw. Man, super creepy, even though Gargamel says that in a fight between me and a puppet on a tricycle, I would totally win.

Anyway, Saw 2 comes out on DVD TODAY! I have had it on my Netflix list for weeks, eagerly awaiting its arrival. Word on the street is that it will be arriving today! Is there anything more romantic? I don't think so.

The day has started off well. I ate 2 pieces of Perugina chocolate for breakfast and then had an acupuncture session. Right now, I feel like lazing about on a pile of sabayon. Mmm. I also got 4 "intradermal" needles. Yes, that means I have 4 teeny needles sticking in me RIGHT NOW, 2 in my stomach and 1 on each leg. Apparently they are going to provide constant stimulation to those points. Or something. At any rate, I think my qi is flowing better already.

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