Tuesday, February 07, 2006

It's o.k. to be okay.

For some reason I have started spelling out the word "okay", instead of just using the letters. Why? Why must I make an abbreviated phrase twice as long as it should be? There is some debate about the etymology of o.k., but I like the story (which my good friend Agent Sands related to me sometime last year while we drove his car to the Volvo mechanic) that it stands for "all correct", or "oll korrect". Apparently there was a fad in the 1830's involving "comical abbreviations" and humorists of the time liked to use "exaggerated misspellings". O-Kay!

Other recent incidences of "okay-ness" include getting my "new" car on Friday and then using it to truck a bunch of furniture back from Ikea with my friend Elaine. I am now the proud owner (well, not exactly as the bank owns it until I repay the loan)of a Subaru Forester. Elaine and I discovered, through the magic of the internet, that the Subaru logo, is based on the Pleiades star cluster in the constallation Taurus,

Intriguing, no?

We made this fabulous discovery whilst watching the Super Bowl. Elaine had put together an amazing spread with Nachos (I ate, like, my weight in nachos. Seriously.), veggies and hummus, cake and buffalo wings. I ate some wings and then had to physically restrain myself from licking the buffalo sauce off the rest of them, and instead stuff more nachos in my face.

Finally, I warn everyone who is considering watching "The Ring 2" to NOT BOTHER. G and I attempted to warch it last night, but as the storyline became more and more ridiculous we focused our attention on rearranging the stack of pillows we were lounging on to provide optimal comfort. And then fell asleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of Subaru! I have an Outback Wagon and I LOVE it.

My hubby told me about the Subaru/Pleiades connection when I got my car last year. It's cool because Pleiades is one of my favorite constellations.