Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Today I got reprimanded for not posting in like a week by Alissa whom, I do not hate, and in fact like quite a bit and one of these days I will work up the nerve to ask her out for a cocktail. Any woman who can appreciate the aethetics of a martini is a friend of mine.

The Cock has been insanely busy lately with all sorts of Cock related business. The good news is that I got my performance review this week and got excellent ratings from the powers that be. I also got a 7% raise! This translates into roughly $1 more per hour, but is still MORE MONEY, which I desperately need because I am on the verge of buying a car.

I don't want to get rid of my beloved Panzer, but with 145,000 miles and at least $1000 worth of stuff that needs to get done, it just doesn't make enough financial sense to keep pouring money into a car that isn't worth that much. I mean, worth it in terms of Trade In Value, or what have you, because the car is worth it's weight in gold for being such a great car. *sniff* We had so many good times, the Panzer and I, and I feel guilty getting rid of it. Yes, I realize that is ridiculous because the car obviously does not have feelings, etc., but still...

In other news, apparently I can still climb despite being a total sloth all winter. Went to the gym last weekend with Forrest and managed to climb several hard 5.10s and not look entirely like a flailing water buffalo. I also didn't feel as though my arms were going to fall off.

Have rekindled mild obsession with William Howard Taft. Recently saw wedding annoucement in the Sunday Times where William Howard Taft IV married someone with a ridiculous name. Taft was the fattest president with Grover Cleveland coming in at number 2.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the raise that is great. What kind of car is a Panzer?

The Schooligan said...

Panzer was the nickname I gave to my volkswagon because it sort of handled like a tank.