Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Schooligan CAN Change

I used to hate avocado. I was told that it was only because I had never had a good one. I kept trying them and kept hating them until a recent trip to California when I learned what all the fuss was about.

Now I get it. And I will admit that I was wrong. Avocados are awesome. I made some amazing guacamole tonight. My brother, who also hates avocados, tried it and was converted.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you. Good avocados may be the best thing in the world. But it's true - bad avocados are close to the worst thing in the world. Like that poem - "there was a little girl/who had a little curl/right in the middle of her forehead./and when she was good/she was very, very good/but when she was bad, she was horrid." Don't know who wrote it. Shel Silverstein? Probably. Avocados are just like that little girl in the poem.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha HA! i say. and HA again.

california is good for many things, like converting yankee malcontents into margarita swilling, guacamole eating, wine tasting northern california hippies.

ok, not hippies. we still hate hippies.