Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Dinner in the diner, nothing could be finer

I read this funny interview with Anthony Bourdain today on Salon. You should totally read it. He totally rags on vegans and Rachel Ray (whom I don't really have any beef with except for the fact that she thinks every bit of food she puts in her mouth is AMAZING.) Anyway, here are some of my favorite highlights:

Will we see you in a year saying, "Oh, I had drinks with Rachael Ray, and actually, she's all right"?
Yeah, right. "After the hot-tub incident, I've changed my mind." You know, listen, like I said, I could be wrong. Unlikely. But maybe she's nice to puppies.
Sure, sure -- you haven't seen her kicking any old people lately.
Actually, that would be cool. If I ever saw her getting trashed on Old Crow, pistol-whipping a vegan after a bar crawl, I would think, "That's an interesting woman. I would like to know her."

To quote Gargamel: Hey, he's talking about you.

In speaking of the SV, we had the most inane (and to my mind, HILLARIOUS) conversation today on G-talk:

me: blah blah MAGIC BUS
pt: magic bus?
try yelling it
me: hshahahahahaha
pt: ok who is this...what did you do with jess ;)
pt: why are we screamin magic bus?
me: cause its funny
i dont know
pt: ok.
me: hahahaha
suck suck MAGIC BUS

Seriously, I've had that damn tune stuck in my head all day, even right now I am typing and mentally putting magic bus strategically in every sentence.

But you know, that's the beauty of the affected brain, bizarre internal soundtracks. I also can't stop thinking about Chattanooga Choo Choo (Track 29!) and "there's a grasshopper sitting on a sweet potato vine"

I have a secret. I have been trying to get into running, which I have always felt was an unnatural act unless from zombies or to the bathroom. At any rate, after a week and a half of feeling like I was about to drop dead after putting my sneakers on, I finally got to the point where a mile was only sort of awful. Then one day, I did 2 miles without even thinking about it, due entirely to the treadmills at the gym being equipped with INDIVIDUAL TELEVISIONS. I mean, my enjoyment of COPS is not in anyway diminished by having to run in order to watch it. Actually, now that I think about it, running while watching COPS is almost like being on COPS. All I would have to do is throw a crack pipe into the bushes as I jogged past.

Let me be clear here: I do not enjoy running. I don't get a "runner's high" or any shit like that. However, I don't hate it quite as much as I used to, due again, to TV and having purchased a new pair of shoes that don't make me feel as though my leg bones were being jammed into my foot every time I took a step. I also don't intend to do any serious distances (there's a 30 minute limit on the treadmills and I'm not that fast).

Running outside is ok too. Especially in my neighborhood, which again, is like watching COPS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would you enjoy running after the MAGIC BUS?