Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I spent most of the last 2 days feeling like my head was being squashed in a vise. It was the kind of headache that is obnoxiously resistant to Advil. The kind of headache that made me leave work early and go immediately to bed blocking out all light and sound. A headache that made me not enjoy the Cock Out lunch that work threw complete with pulled pork and BBQ chicken. So I declared war on head pain. Any headache that prevents me from enjoying BBQ is so asking for it.

So, I went to pilates even though I felt absolutely terrible. Pilates made me feel somewhat better, in that way that going to the gym always makes me feel better, and somewhat worse in that my neck hurt to the point that every time I moved my head I though (hoped) it would break off and roll away leaving just a spurting neck hole and I would kick it before collapsing into a pool of blood.

The rest of the night wasn't that much better. My headache also made the rest of my body resistant to sleep which SUCKED because when your head feels that awful sleep is the only escape. I retaliated with more ativan than probably necessary, but I wasn't in the mood to fuck around.

I woke up this morning feeling awful, but in a different way. Instead of head crackingly bad, I felt weak, nauseous and not able to see out of my right eye. Not well anyway. Perhaps this had something to do with my choice of clothes, cuffed olive capri pants (Thank you Old Navy for FINALLY making some pants that aren't designed to fit some sort of mutant), a rhinestoned black tank top (think Holocaust benefit) and my chrome colored BCBG open toed heels.

By the end of a particularly harrowing day, I felt somewhat better and was NO CLOSER to completing the stuff for the audit. Not my fault though that documents DON'T EXIST. This thing will never end. I stopped caring weeks ago.

After work, I made my sister come running with me. We went to Spencer State Forest for some "trail running". We got about 30 good minutes in, not including when I slipped off a log and nearly lost my shoe in a swamp.

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